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Since energy is forever in motion, everything we experience in life on the physical plane is constantly and forever changing.

The only Truth, the only unchanging knowledge and Power, is above and beyond the physical.

This invisible, impersonal, power, which animates and energizes all of 'life', is itself the only constant, the only Real force.  Nothing else is real and nothing else exists.

This Power back of all life is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent.

Omnipresent- everywhere across all space, in all and  thru all

 Omniscient- all knowing beyond time past, present and future

Omnipotent- all powerful beyond comprehension

Omnibenevolent- all loving and life supporting beyond reason

This one and only True Power is Unconditional Love

~ When we forget this Love and get lost in trying to control the worldly concerns,  we suffer ~

These 8 (eight) worldly concerns (4 pairs) that lead to our suffering because they are not real are:

pleasure / pain; loss / gain;  praise / blame;  fame / shame

These concerns change with the wind.   They come and go.  Here one day, gone the next.  Everything has a season.  Only that one Universal Power, the Power of the Unconditional Love is real.  It comes not from us but thru us.  This Love is the calm center in the storm of constant change, upheaval, and renewal.

When we cling to or run from the worldly concerns, we become trapped in the illusion.  Suffering and anxiety are inevitable.

To live in Joy and Freedom is to release ourselves from these concerns and live in the knowledge of Truth - that we are already and always Unconditionally Loved despite all appearances to the contrary.  This Truth and this Knowing must be experienced within us.

Allow yourself to cease looking for proof of your blocks and hurdles, fears and worries, problems and concerns but rather.... Focus and correct your Mind.  The error has been in your thinking all this time.  So with a focus on Knowing and remembering this Truth, this feeling of pure Love...  allow your Faith and Awareness to present itself to you in the form of new eexperiences, opportunities and moments of bliss as they arrive and arise in your consciousness.  Consciousness comes first, physical manifestation comes second.  Not the other way around.

 "Faith (conscious knowing) is the substance (physicalness) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Faith is the evidence.  If you have faith in a thing then you already have it in consciousness and it appears.

Feel what you feel but then let it go because pondering on losses, wallowing in sorrows, feeling victimized - holding these concerns- will never elevate you above them.

Only Love is the power which elevates you.

Yes.  There is love.  In this moment.  Now.  Yes!, though it may be a diamond hidden in a lump of coal or a nugget of gold deep down in an ore under the earth's surface, it IS there.  It is there simply awaiting your discovery.  It is there under your feet, within your heart, and floating gently in your mind, at all times.

Your greatest life's work is simply to intend and to focus with faith, and with every fiber of your being, back of all moments, on knowing and remembering this love.  This love is your birth rite.

You deserve this love.  You will accept this love.  You will BE this love.

You will thrive in this love.  You are this love.  You share this love.  

You are growing stronger and more powerful, a force for goodness, creating beauty and love around you.

Keep your Faith alive and stay the course for love and miracles.  Now.  And in each Now to come.

Mantra- 'I will BE this Love.  I AM this love.  I now pause when I need to and I now create space for my highest self so I can thrive in Love'

Love, light,... and giggles, too,  ~kim




. changing ideas, thoughts and beliefs causes:  ~turbulence.

This is simply a law of nature.   Energy changes forms.


As German philosopher Albert Schopenhauer states, 

"All Truth passes through three stages.  

First it is ridiculed [ouch 😥].  

Next it is violently opposed [yikes! 😳].  

Finally, it is being accepted as self evident."


We don't like change.  Our ego-mind fights it at every turn.

So although is seems crazy at first, you must change your own long-held beliefs about reality and what is possible for your life in order for your experience of life to change.


The Truth is that you are so much more than you know.  You are creators.   You are capable of BIG dreams!

So, What crazy change would you love to see in the world???

Life Coaching vs. Counseling or Therapy

.welcome. 😍

.i am often asked about what life coaching is and how it differs from therapy, so I offer these words...

.life coaching helps move a client forward.  .we align the mind with internal attitudes and then with action steps and accountability to promote growth.

.therapy digs into your past to seek 'why' you have blockages to success or health.  the focus is on the past.

.life coaching gently digs inside you to allow you to develop awareness of your current blocks, regardless of why.  the focus is on the present and on how you want to feel now and moving forward.

.counselors/therapist give advice. vs coaches teach you to hear the call of your own highest advice and to empower you to take it!

.life coaches help you trust yourself and foster confidence by facilitating a discovery and gratitude for your own life and your unique voice and true desires. we help you trust and follow your own advice, and gently hold you accountable for the action steps you create.  the goal is to empower and strengthen your self by removing limitating beliefs and blocks, exploring opportunities from challenges, and learning the freedom of choice. this happens because unlike a friend or relative, great life coaches have no personal agenda for your life, no judgment to impose.

.wheverever you are now is where you are meant to be in this moment.  it is part of your personal journey. it is an effect.  it was caused by the thoughts and beliefs (often subconscious) you have been holding dear.

.my question to you is simply-  is your life working for You?

~ success is in living your own joyful dream ~

.so, are you who you want to be?

.no?  .maybe not?  .not sure?  .ahhhhh, let's dig deeper...  

what if you knew with absolute certainty that you could be/have/do absolutely anything (without limit) that you could possibly imagine?  

what would that dream be?; what would that dream look like??

.explore your soul.  .reach out and let me know what you find.

🙏🏻 .love. ❤️ .light. ✨ .giggles. 😀



"Talk is cheap...


In Silence...


   ... I Double-Dog Dare You..."

- k.zalepa


The answers to all your concerns lie within You, not in

- him / her;

- this job / that job;

- this house / that house;

- that accolade / that achievement;

- more $$$ / less $$...

- his approval / her approval.

So, Be brave and Practice going within to find your Truth


You feel goodness...      Simply Meditate ...on Gratitude

You feel ugly...    Simply Meditate ...on Beauty

You feel sickness...       Simply Meditate ...on Vibrant Health

You feel poor...      Simply Meditate ...on Wealth

You feel sadness...      Simply Meditate ...on Joy!

You feel overwhelm/stress...      Simply Meditate ...on Peace ☮

You feel boredom...      Simply Meditate ...on Fulfillment

You feel anger...      Simply Meditate ...on Happiness

You feel impatience... Simply Meditate ...on Patience

You feel scared... Simply Meditate ...on Freedom

You feel .. Simply Meditate ...on

You feel loneliness...  Simply Meditate ...on Love and Connection

You feel apathy...     Simple Meditate ...on Passion

You are not your-  feelings, body, circumstances or your past

And, You are more than you think.

Your life is a product of your subconscious Beliefs.   Your Emotions fuel those beliefs, your thoughts, your attitudes, and ultimately your experiences in life.   Why?  Because everything is energy and energy creates vibrations which form matter.   Your beliefs are literally creating your physical body, health and your world!

So, Are you willing to examine those deep-seeded, long held beliefs?

Because You are much greater even than these and there is an Infinite Power within You.

Meditate on this idea and you will discover the real You behind this smaller you, the real Free Mind behind this small mind

-only You can allow it to emerge from behind the illusion of false beliefs-


~ we are all connected, we are all one ~


learn and experience more....

On Facebook at:   Infinite Potential . Life Coaching

☮ 💜 ✨ 😀

food for thought

.have you had an experience that has left you feeling empty?

.it could be a loss or an unexpected change.  .a hurt feeling.

.we have all been there.  .life changes.   .life happens.  .it hurts.

.the question is…

.are you prepared to handle the ever-changing ebb and flow of life and are you preparing those around you?  .internally?  .mentally?

TRUTH:  .your experience of life begins within you.

.as humans, we have resilience and the ability to adapt and thrive, depending on our beliefs.

.are you feeling like a victim of life’s unpredictable nature, feeling empty and filling up on shopping, mindless television, alcohol, drugs or junk food? .are you accepting and loving yourself at all cost?  .are you mentally and emotionally tough, strengthening your joy and connections no matter the challenge?

.are your thoughts/beliefs feeding you or depleting you?


.food for thought.

.write down the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and challenges that this post brings up within you!

.feel them and get it over with.  release them.  let them go. breathe…. allow peace to return.

.question everything! .reach out…


 .love.  .light.  .giggles. 

~ kim